WISE is a community for people who identify as women to connect, grow, and share, with the purpose of advancing sustainable investing and women’s leadership.


2021 Highlights



Total Global Membership


Events Convened Annually

Our Founders

WISE was founded in 2012 in New York City by Eva Zlotnicka, Lily Trager, and Lori Choi. Early on, all meetings were hosted in members’ living rooms and relationships were cultivated over a mutual interest in the growing field of sustainable and impact investing, laughs and deep conversation. Members are asked to bring their whole selves to the community – not solely their professional organization or affiliation – and to connect with other members beyond the regular meetings.  

Today, WISE has 8 chapters globally – Boston, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Washington DC, London, and Toronto – and a virtual chapter for all other members outside of these locations. 

Each chapter is run by committed Chapter Leaders with community members helping to host and organize regular monthly gatherings in apartments, homes, offices and public spaces. Additional events are planned on an ad-hoc basis around specific interests and themes or to feature external speakers, such as mentors and industry leaders.

Eva Zlotnicka

Eva Zlotnicka

Lily Trager

Lily Trager

Lori Choi

Lori Choi


Our Purpose

Women Investing for a Sustainable Economy (WISE) was created by and for you – people who identify as women contributing to the sustainable investing* industry. WISE is a community for us to connect, deepen relationships, share our expertise, and learn from each other. We are all here because we commit to take the call – ready and willing to support one another. Our ultimate goal is to lead sustainable investing into the mainstream and to have fun along the way.

*We use the term sustainable investing as a way to represent financial investing approaches that generate positive environmental and social impact including ESG, responsible, impact, mission-related and beyond.

Quotes & Testimonials

WISE has a dual focus on advancing sustainable investing and on advancing women’s leadership, through a supportive global community of women leaders in sustainable investing.
— WISE-BOS member
WISE is a kind community of supportive women!
— WISE-DC member
Thank you so much for making the WISE event possible! It was the perfect combination of inspiring, informative and delicious! I’m glad to know that a WISE community as robust, diverse and interesting as this group of ladies exists here and I look forward to the next event.
— WISE-SF member
When I first joined the WISE community 5 years ago — I was a total newcomer to ESG — taking a risk transitioning out of the energy and oil industry. I was nervous to attend the first meetings, not knowing anyone or much about the industry. WISE welcomed me with open arms and allowed me the space to feel comfortable asking questions, connect with others, and advance the field — which is truly what the WISE mission is all about. The friends and connections that I made through WISE evolved my career to where it is now, advising private clients and foundations with a specialty in ESG.
— WISE-BOS former chapter leader