Engage, Learn, and Inspire.

Join a global community of remarkable women brought together by a shared commitment to advancing sustainable investing. Our members are ready to share industry expertise, enriching resources, and learn from one another.

Apply now to become a member for $60/year ($5/month).


 Membership Benefits


Jobs Board

Contributed exclusively by members


Member Directory

Connect easily to members across all chapters


Exclusive Events

Held in-person or virtually, curated by women industry leaders


Community Groups

Active discussions in virtual community groups


Apply now to become a member for $60/year ($5/month).

Since its founding, the WISE community has fostered a culture of reciprocity with members "chipping-in" $5 towards local monthly events. The launch of our new community-supported global infrastructure is a continuation of this same spirit.

Please allow 2-3 business days for your membership approval. You will receive an email once your application has been processed.



 What Members Are Saying

I wanted to send you a quick note thanking you for organizing virtual coffee chats. I had two and they were both very productive, insightful and inspiring. This was a great idea! I am glad to be part of this group of amazing women.
— WISE-SF Member
In a year where many of us have had to find new ways of working, WISE has maintained that connection through virtual events that allow us to recognize, learn from and celebrate women’s ability to balance complexity, roll up their sleeves and solve difficult problems.
— WISE-Boston member


 Our Chapters

Each chapter is run by committed Chapter Leaders with community members helping to host and organize regular monthly gatherings virtually and in apartments, homes, offices, and public spaces. Additional events are planned on an ad-hoc basis around specific interests and themes or to feature external speakers, such as mentors and industry leaders.



Los Angeles



New York

San Francisco


Washington, DC



 *We use the term sustainable investing as a way to represent financial investing approaches that generate positive environmental and social impact including ESG, responsible, impact, mission-related and beyond.